Now that it’s finally legal to grow hemp in the U.S., many farmers are wondering if it’s worth their time to get into this versatile plant, and exactly what they need to know and do before planting their first crop.
For the modern-day farmer, hemp has a lot to recommend it. It’s useful for a wide variety of products, demand is currently high and getting higher, and it’s a crop that does well in different types of soils, climates, and terrains, excepting desert and high mountain.
However, there are a few pitfalls to growing industrial hemp, particularly if you are trying to grow the kind with a high CBD content, to be harvested for that specific need. There are many government regulations about the sale of hemp and the amount of THC it can legally have. So while the plant itself is quite hardy and quick-growing, that itself is not enough to guarantee a successful high CBD crop.
Before you take the plunge:
Hemp Depot strongly recommends that farmers do their due diligence before trying to get a piece of this billion dollar market! Because the industrial and CBD hemp market is in such flux, it’s important to always stay on top of the current regulations for your state. Thorough research and careful planning are the farmer’s best tools for a successful business with hemp. Find out how Hemp Farmers are Making a Killing on the Hemp Industry.