The new regulatory program for Alabama hemp farmers was approved in 2019. Over 100 farmers were approved for this state’s legal hemp farming with many of them having high hopes for the first legal growing season. With experts forecasting a high potential for profit returns, these farmers report some of the obstacles they had to face before harvest. From hemp growing inexperience to labor-related roadblocks, these hemp farmers pave the way for America’s hemp movement.
Seed costs were a common obstacle faced by Alabama hemp farmers. Transporting seed from established states often requires additional costs due to interstate transportation taxes and paperwork. These farmers also faced a shortage of labor. Hemp cultivation can require more labor costs due to the lack of pesticide and herbicide use. It can be labor-intensive to handpick weeds but that’s the tradeoff when farming this crop. With limited hemp-specific farming equipment, farmers are having to either customize planting and harvesting equipment or spend hours doing everything by hand. Since this was the first year these farmers were able to legally grow hemp, many were turning to more established hemp farmers from other states for advice.
CBD Seed Co. is honored to be the most experienced hemp farmers serving the nation. We’ve been cultivating hemp for over five years on our Colorado farms and would love the opportunity to extend our expertise. We believe in helping hemp farmers throughout the nation succeed and do so by providing comprehensive resources and the best hemp genetics available for CBD production. In addition to CBD-rich hemp seed, we also have industrial hemp seed available for farmers looking to produce hemp for its numerous other applications.
For more information regarding the common obstacles faced by Alabama hemp farmers, please contact us!