As more and more countries around the globe start to create regulatory programs for cultivating industrial hemp, it’s interesting to see the different regulations and restrictions each government decides to place on its farmers. With hemp cultivation gaining more momentum in Latin America, recent developments among countries in the region have been very prevalent. Ecuador recently established its hemp cultivation regulatory program. The government has now decided to set the maximum THC level for legal hemp cultivation at a full 1%, following the lead of Colombia, Uruguay, Switzerland, and Australia.
The Ecuadorean government decided to set its legal THC limit at a full 1% during the legislative session in which legalized industrial hemp was removed from its criminal code. The 1% THC content will be based on the dry weight of the hemp crops. With the new reformed criminal code in place, hemp cultivation is now officially legal while the regulations on THC content will be regulated by the National Agrarian Authority. This benchmark may give Ecuador the competitive advantage it needs to enter the global hemp marketplace. With most nations around the globe cultivating based on the standard of 0.3% THC and with European countries cultivating at an even stricter percentage of 0.2% THC, this could really give Ecuador better freedoms to succeed.
CBD Seed Co. is honored to be the trusted CBD seed provider serving Ecuador. As we continue to advocate similar legislation here in the states, we hope that more and more countries decide to follow suit by setting their THC limit at 1%. The 1% limit is still minimal enough that no psychoactivity is possible. We hope that more countries adopt these progressive laws that make it easier for their hemp farmers. For more information regarding hemp cultivation in Ecuador, please contact us!