2020 was the first major season for growing CBD hemp seed in Texas. After state laws were passed in 2019 that approved hemp production, many farmers switched gears and purchased large amount of CBD seed. Like many others, their hope was to increase profits by entering the growing market at the ground level.
However, this was the state’s very first year of legal hemp cultivation and because of that, growers encountered some challenges that they did not expect. Among others, they found that one of the greatest difficulties with growing CBD seed in Texas was dealing with the harsh weather and growing conditions.
Now, moving forward, many farmers are searching for solutions for how to successfully cultivate the crop despite the challenges presented by the state’s climate. Below, we’ve discussed some of the actions they’re taking.
Right now, Texas farmers are undergoing a process of trial and error. As they begin cultivating hemp for the first time, they’re finding out what works and what doesn’t. Over the past year, certain issues have been brought to light that present unique challenges for Texas hemp farmers. Many of these are related to the climate and weather conditions.
Since hemp production was legalized in 2018 at the federal level, more and more states are enacting laws in order to regulate cultivation. Right now, the top hemp producing states are Montana, Colorado, Kentucky, Oregon, and North Carolina. This is also where the majority of hemp seed is being produced. This same hemp seed is being sold to Texas farmers and they’re finding out very quickly that it reacts differently in their state’s climate.
The other issue that farmers are encountering is that the warm weather makes it difficult to grow crops which are compliant with federal THC standards. Because the weather is warm and dry, farmers are having to use a lot of water. When hemp plants become stressed due to heat or drought, their THC content increases. This makes it difficult for farmers to keep THC levels in check.
2020 was a tremendous step forward for Texas’ hemp industry and farmers learned a lot during their first year of cultivation. Because of the lessons learned this past year, they are better equipped moving forward because they know what they need to do in order to be successful. Here are some steps that Texas farmers are taking to overcome challenges presented by the climate and weather.
Farmers now understand that they can expect just any variety of CBD seed to grow in Texas. They need hemp seed with good genetics and breeding. And they need varieties that will handle the heat. Farmers are developing relationships with seed suppliers that are able to address these concerns and meet their needs.
When it comes to hemp seed, good genetics are crucial. This is something that we have stressed time and time again at CBD Seed Co.
Farmers in Texas are pushing for changes to law that would allow them to grow hemp plants with a higher THC content. They want THC limits to be at least 1%. Right now, federal law states that plants cannot have more than 0.3% THC. Having a THC limit of 1% would eliminate a lot of the issues revolving around “hot” crops.
CBD Seed Co. is committed to helping the nation’s hemp farmers succeed. By providing an abundance of resources for producers and making high quality hemp seed with good genetics available to farmers in Texas and other parts of the country, we are paving the way for a brighter future for the hemp industry.
Set your farm up for success! Order quality CBD hemp seed for your Texas farm today. Call our office to place an order or speak with a representative to get more information.