Canada has a strong hemp industry that is growing in size every day. However, it is also a highly regulated industry with strict guidelines surrounding industrial hemp cultivation. The Canadian government is adamant about protecting its people from hemp products that would be unfit or unsafe to use. Hence, these strict rules have been enacted in order to give the government enough oversight and control to regulate the industry.
Farmers interested in growing CBD seed in Canada must follow the rules specified in the country’s federal policies. While these rules are strict and quite specific, they are by no means a hindrance to one’s ability to profit from growing hemp. By arming yourself with the proper knowledge and information, you can safely navigate Canada’s hemp laws and become successful in your endeavors to cultivate industrial hemp.
Yes, it’s legal under federal law to grow hemp seed in Canada. However, you must have a licence. In 2018, Canada became the second country in the world to legalize recreational cannabis. This change to Canadian policy was made official under the Cannabis Act. The Cannabis Act outlines the laws that must be followed by all Canadian hemp farmers.
If you’re thinking about buying CBD seed in Canada to plant for the upcoming growing season, you should begin reviewing the Cannabis Act at once. Pay particular attention to the rules and guidelines outlined in the section for Industrial Hemp Regulations. As specified by these regulations, Canadian hemp farmers are required to:
To be clear, this list is not a comprehensive summary of all the requirements included in the Cannabis Act. Growers should review the legislation thoroughly to ensure accuracy and compliance. CBD Seed Co. does not claim this information to be legal advice.
Additionally, your province may have its own rules for growing hemp seed. Be sure to read these as well.
Get ready for the upcoming growing season. Call CBD Seed Co. today to order high CBD hemp seeds for your farm in Canada or learn more about our services.