As someone who’s new to hemp farming, you may feel a little concerned over your future prospects. You’re probably excited to try growing something that’s new and has so much potential. But at the same time, you’re jumping into something you’ve never done before. Whether it’s farming or not, this is always a nerve-wracking experience, yet one we have to deal with many times in our lives.
The good news is, history is on your side. Hemp seed has been grown in Chile for hundreds of years. Even now, many Chilean farmers are having great success with cultivating hemp for CBD, so you should do just fine. Especially if you have prior farming experience, the odds are on your side.
Furthermore, your friends at CBD Seed Co. are here to support you along your journey. Below, we’ve provided some tips for growing CBD seed in Chile.
In the hemp industry, so much focus is placed on the growing process itself. Hardly any attention is focused on the procurement of seeds and planting them. This is an unfortunate mishap, since hemp seeds themselves are crucial to the survival of the plant. Here are some tips for when you’re getting started:
Planting hemp seed is fairly easy. Most Chilean farmers will have no problem, given that they buy good seed to start with. Cultivating hemp, on the other hand, can be tricky. Here are some tips that can help you navigate the process successfully:
CBD Seed Co. is a globally renowned hemp seed distributor. Call our office today to place an order for CBD clones or CBD seeds for your Chili farm.